Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sometimes I go crazy... a little bit...

So you guys know that sometimes I go a little bit crazy.  Well, it happened again this week.  I got a bee in my bonnet and decided to stitch up all the L*K yearly Santa's that I've been collecting, a long with a few other L*K's that I have in my stash.  I got to feeling a little bit guilty about not stitching up some of those patterns that have been gifts to me from my siblings over the years.  (Darned flash!)

I have fabric that I want to put these on, I just didn't have all of the flosses.  So... instead of choosing a pattern to start and purchasing the flosses for that chart, I compiled a list of all the flosses used in all the patterns.  I mean, why would you want to limit yourself?  I did consult my collection of floss stash, and edited down on how many skeins I really felt I needed to stitch any and all of these patterns.

And 65 flosses later, and one happy LNS owner, the above is a mess of what I brought home.  I really need to be less crazy.  It's way cheaper.

Hugs and Stitches

One last though... On my list of things to get was a set of flosses to go with my extra Tiny Tidings XV pattern.  I had the list with me when I went to the shop.  I wrote it out carefully on a slip of paper and put it in my purse.  Well... that list was separate from my other list and I completely forgot to take it out and buy those flosses!!  Ack!!  I guess the give away will have to wait a bit longer. At least until I can get my act together!

Kay the forgetful