Right... I know I just said it was time to get serious about this again, but then the holidays happened and I lost complete control over the eating thing and came down with a serious cold and didn't keep up with the gym thing. I am ready to get back on the fitness wagon and start keeping track of this stuff again.
Jan 12, 2014
A loss of a pound and a half is outstanding for five visits to the gym and four days of nailing my calorie target. The misses on the food front are from company lunch one day, girls night on another day, and eating out with the family on a third day. Luckily those days weren't completely out of the calorie range but still more food than what I need to eat. Mr. Trainer and I are discussing my goals for the year, and other than the obvious 30 pounds, and I'd really like to improve my upper body strength so I can progress at the arieal classes.
Dec 29, 2013
Six pounds. That's what you can gain from six weeks of unfettered eating and low commitment to the gym. I've got my work cut out for me to get back to that 170 I left off at in 2012, and work off some more of these extra pounds. I wanted this week to be a good start off strong week, but I've got a major cold and Mr. Trainer sent me home from our session on Dec 31st because of it. Simple goals for the week: don't eat everything in sight.
Dates below are for the year 2013
Well it's time once again to get serious and start in on the Lose to Cruise goals for the next year. With the first round of goals I was the only one who managed to lose the 30 lbs for the goal. My best friend who started it all came within seven pounds of her goal and then her family picked up and moved half way across the country so her darling hubby could start a new job. Anyway, we've been chatting and have decided that we are going to cruise the Caribbean in October of 2014. Therefore, I need to get back on the serious-about-this wagon and get back to work.
Nov 3, 2013
I lost complete control of my eating for a few weeks there, as you can see the pounds creeping back on through the rest of October. I finally got a grip on things and went strict with tracking everything I ate and striving to not go over my allotted 1500 calories a day. I managed to survive two pot luck parties for Halloween and get back on track with eating and weight loss. I even managed to keep in the calorie range on Saturday when the family goes out to eat. Going out to eat is hard for me because I want all the yummy bad-for-you-foods and the healthy options aren't all that appetizing to me. Sacrifice now, cruise later.
Oct 6, 2013
Zero pounds off. Which normally would be a sad sad thing, but the upside for the week is that my fat percentage has dropped. It went down two whole percentage points. Yay! On the down side my eating has continued to be a bit off. Mr. Trainer continues to be encouraging and has started to push me to do more when it comes to our strengthening workouts. I hurt most days of the week.
Sept. 29, 2013
Back to work and really trying to stick with the program. I've added another fitness type class to the routine on Monday nights and it's a real workout to my arms and core. The major weakness this week has been my eating, as it always is. I had too many peanut butter cups as snacks at work because my stress level was high. I need to learn a better way to deal with stress than eating.
Dates below are for the year 2012
One of my best friends, her mom and her sisters have started on a year long journey to lose 30 lbs each. They've asked me to join. Once we all lose those 30 lbs, it's cruise time!!! I've made up a little table to track my weight through out the year. A little brave, a little crazy... but here it is:
Dec. 2, 2012
I think this might be it for the end of the year as far as weight loss goes. We are now in the full swing of snack season. I did see 167 before Thanksgiving, but have been stuck here at 170 for what seems like a while. I'm thinking 165 by the end of the year would be a miracle... but I've got to quit with all the snacks. And I do love snacks! I'm pleased with what I have accomplished this year as far as weight loss goes, and I need to do about the same next year. I can do it. Just with fewer snacks.
Oct. 1 - 7
100% for going to the gym! Yaaay! The real challenge has been on the eating end. I managed to eat correctly for one day. The rest of the time it was a battle between me and the snacks in the breakroom at work. Thus far the snacks are winning. Cursed snacks!
Sept. 30th
Another couple of weeks of not reporting. I'm sorry about that. But as you can see, it's the same slow progress downwards. I'm good with that. The challenges have been mostly at work. The job is great, and the perks are wonderful. But it's the perks that are a big big challenge. There's soda fountain in the break room, along with a huge assortment of chips, cookies, and chocolate. Plus, every Wednesday is donut day (or bagel day or muffins from Costco day). Eating right is a challenge and a half as healthy snacks are few and far between. I will conquer. Oh, and hey! I'm closing in on 30 lbs for the cruise! Woot woot!
Sept. 9th
Okay, so I forgot to do the updating thing for a few weeks. But as you can see it's been the usual slow downward trend. And that is a good trend indeed. I started a new job, I'm back to going to they gym regularly, and I'm walking the dog most mornings. It's all good. I'm working hard to keep my calories in check. That has been a challenge since the new job provides snacks and sodas for free. I'm slowly learning to just not go into the kitchen unless I absolutely have to. Just 6 more pounds to go and I'll have earned that cruise! (But not hit my goal weight.)
Aug 12 - 18
Well... this week I didn't bother to track what I ate, and I ate whatever I felt like. Nor did I bother to go to the gym. I was a lazy bum. Other than taking the dog for his morning walks I pretty much gave up this week for a loss. I does happen that I had to tell Mr. Trainer good bye last week since I'm now officially broke. We'll call it a knee jerk reaction.
Aug 5 - 11
Major win this week. Five trips to the gym (six walks of the dog) and 5 days of eating on target. Woo-hoo! Plus, a great big hello to the 170's. Just need to keep on keeping on. The only major hurdle this week is I brought a container of homemade ice cream up from the freezer downstairs. Now it's way too easy to get to. I just need to be better about measuring out a portion and not eating it right out of the container. (Why is ice cream better out of the container anyway?)
July 29 - Aug 4
There were just a few too many yummy treats in Las Vegas (and some I brought home from Vegas) to really get any weight loss done. I did work out regularly, and the added hour of dog walking is probably contributing to the minor loss. But hey, a minor loss is still a win!
July 22 - 28
The one new thing this week has been the addition of a dog... A very energetic dog that needs, no, requires a 1 hour walk a day to help put a damper on all that energy. So that's what I have added to the routine. We get up early-ish in the morning and go for a walk, seven days a week. I don't report that as a gym visit though, because I haven't gone to the gym, and even though we're walking at a pretty good pace, my heart rate doesn't really get up high enough to be working hard. It does burn some extra calories though and that is a good thing.
Food wise, I also did really quite well this week. I mostly came in around 1300 to 1400 calories a day. I think this is because there are no chocolates, toffees, cookies, or other snacking type of goodies in the house. I finally got rid of them all and I have been really good about not buying anything new. I've always known that it's what you keep in the house that can help or hinder you... I've always kept something to snack on around because I love snacks. It sure does make a difference on what you can choose to eat when there aren't any in the house.
It has been a good week.
July 15 - 21
Not much new to report this week. Just some more of the same old same old. Trying to eat better and fewer calories and trying to get to the gym more often. I think last weeks over eating is shown in only loosing 1 pound this week. But when you know where you've gone astray you know what needs to be done to fix it.
July 8 - 14
This week went pretty well. I really did well on my eating... until Friday which was my birthday and then all bets were off. And Saturday wasn't any better as there were left overs from Friday. But all in all, things went well. It was nice to be a regular at the gym again although since I'm unemployed again I'm gong to a gym that's closer to the house and not to work, so I'm learning which cardio machines are in a good spot (under the air conditioning vents) and where all the weight machines that I want to use are. I hate wandering around the weight floor looking lost!
July 8
Back from two weeks in Italy and Greece. One of those weeks aboard a cruise ship. I ate pretty much anything I felt like, including two or three gelato a day while in Florence and Venice. I'm feeling pretty good about only gaining 6 pounds. Of course that means that I have a ton of work to do to get back to my pre-cruise weight. But I was expecting this to happen when I left. The moral of the story is 'Don't take a break from weight loss... It'll only be a trip to weight gain.' I'm aiming for 5 days at the gym this week, which will not be a problem. It's the eating and keeping the calories down that will be a problem since I'm back to being unemployed and there is food too easily accessible here at the house... That and I bought a bag of peanut butter cups from Costco the other day. (Why on earth did I do that!?)
June 10
I totally killed it this week... Except for cake day at work... But it was cake day! Anyway, other than that, good eating, lots of exercising and it's all good. I'm looking at the schedule for what I've got to do in the upcoming week, and I am just not going to be able to get the gym like I would like to. One day and that's it. Then I'll be out of town, so no recording for the next three Sundays. It'll be interesting to see where I'm at when I come back.
May 27 - June 2
I don't know if it's any help to say I don't really know what happened this week. I did go to the gym a couple of times, but because of time restraints I didn't stay as long as I normally do. And my eating was terrible. There was just too many treats and snacks available and I pretty much ate whatever I felt like. May was a really tough month to get through for some reason. Off hand I can't think of what it was that was stressing me out so much. I'm going to hope that it was the workouts from the past few weeks finally paying off. It is energizing to start the month off with a significant drop. I have hope of hitting 180 before going on the Italian Adventure and Grecian cruise.
May 21 - 25
I ate too much this week. Plain and simple. It was those sugar cookies that I got at Target. I have a serious weakness for them. I couldn't remember why I don't wander through the bakery department at Target, so I did, saw and bought the sugar cookies. Then proceeded to eat them all. Now I remember why I'm banned from the bakery section. I gave up on tracking at the end of the week too. I know, I know. I've done so well so far this year. Now is not the time to fall off the wagon.
May 13 - 20
A bouncer of a week. I did good at going to the gym. I did horribly at tracking the calories consumed. Plus there were those Peanut Butter and Chocolate Crispy treats that I made for Crafty-Stitchy night. Having them around the house certainly did not help things out at all. They're so addictive that Mr. Trainer consumed the two that I gave him before he'd even left the parking lot. (Mr. Trainer and I have a deal. I bring him one or two of the naughty things I bake and he doesn't hassle me about baking naughty things.) I'm beginning the week off by telling myself that I will do better with tracking what I eat, and therefore do better with what I do eat. And not baking naughty things.
May 6 - 12
Really not much to report on this week. I went to the gym pretty good. I ate pretty good. Just one of those in between type of weeks that I sometimes have. Just need to keep on, keeping on!
April 29 - May 5
I'm going to attribute this weeks loss primarily to dropping the water I was carrying around last week. I did go to the gym 5 times, but I didn't spent much more than an hour there each time. I had errands to run, and then the battery in the iPod went dead. It's just misery to me to be on a machine with out any music and time seems to go into super slow speed. Icky.
Foodwise I did much better this week than last week. It was cake day at work on Thursday, and I will admit to having more than one piece. I'm doing better with eating fruit for a snack and found some yummy turkey sausage links to have with breakfast in the mornings. That's upped the protein content of that meal and halved the carb intake.
This Friday was official Weigh Day at the gym. I came in down 5 lbs by the gyms scale, and lost an inch around my waist, hips, and thigh. It was a half inch off of my bicep and calf. A good month over all. I just need to keep doing the good stuff and I'll hit the half way point to the lose 30 lbs and go on a girlfriends cruise here in a couple of weeks. I'm very very excited about that.
April 22 - 28
Well, we went off the deep end this week. I only saw the inside of the gym three times, and it was only towards the end of the week that I got my eating back under control. It was one of those weeks were I pretty much ate everything in sight. That practically full jar of toffee from Costco? I ate it all. That 2 pound bag of peanut M&M's? Gone. Out to Red Robin with a friend for dinner? Two baskets of fries and three Raspberry Limeades. It was a calorie binge from start to finish. Add the fact that it's water-retention-week and I'm not surprised that I gained some weight. ... I am surprised that it's not 3 lbs gained.
Today I'm feeling a little more balanced in the head. I'm ready for Monday so I can try again with the gym goals and calorie goals. I really would like to be 180 for the Grecian cruise in June, for no other reason than the fact that I can eat whatever I feel like while I'm gone! Desert? Yes please! Bacon? You bet'cha! ... I think I may be in love with food.
April 15 - 21
A pound a week, that's all I'm really after, and I managed it this week. The trips to the gym were good, but I lost some traction with the calories consumed. I'm already telling myself that next week will be better... except that there's pizza in the fridge, and I do love pizza. I guess it'll be three hours at the gym instead of two with so much pizza around... But somehow, I doubt it.
April 8 - 14
Huh... I seem to have missed blogging about this last week. I apologize. As you can see from the numbers, not much happened and I will confess to being bummed about it. For weigh day at the gym, it was 2 lbs less than last month, and a little bit of movement in the inches department.
This week I wasn't expecting much as I had a full week of stress scheduled and not nearly enough time at the gym. I did manage to eat well most days and in a rare move made up a missed day at the gym by going Saturday evening. Yes, that's how sad my life is... I can go to the gym on a Saturday evening and no one misses me anywhere.
However.... I'm now in the 180's!!!!! wooooo-hoooo!!!
March 26 - 31
We went a bit backwards this week. It all came from horrible eating at the end of the week. It started on Thursday with a meal out with the work team. The restaurant was super fancy, and the food was super good, and I over indulged... Calamari, Caesar Salad, an amazing Meatloaf, and a huge slice of Chocolate Cake with Ice Cream for dessert. It was amazing.
I would have been okay if not for Saturday when cookie were baked and I ate more than my share of them... plus the Easter Pig came a bit early so there were Peanut M&M's and mini Twix bars with in easy reach. I think I must be stressed out about something because it's definitely been emotionally eating when it comes to the chocolate stuffs.
And it's also water retention week... I will not let this get me down! I will keep going! I am developing some nice muscle definition in my biceps and my booty is looking good. And my hammies are getting to be all muscle as well. (Granted there's still plenty of fat hanging around my inner thighs, but I can feel the muscle beneath that.)
So, this weeks goal... Kick butt at the gym this week. Avoid the cookies and chocolate. And get ready for weigh day on Friday.
March 18 - 25
Well, I don't really have anything much to say about this weeks progress. It's just been more of the same. More working out, more eating right, more drinking water. The one thing I have struggled with is my cravings for sweets. If I don't touch them, I'm okay, if I have 1 of something (cookie, chocolate, whatever) I may as well have eaten the whole package. Word to the (dieting) wise: Don't buy the chocolate covered toffee chunks from Costco. Just don't do it!! I have plans this upcoming week to do more of the same... more gym time, more eating right, more drinking water... and no chocolate covered toffee chunks!
The move to the new location has gone okay. It's still way too crowded and there aren't as many dressing rooms at this location as there were at the old location. I don't know about you, but I'm not a big fan of being nude in a (semi) public place, even if I'm just going from work clothing to work-out clothing. More dressing rooms! I have located all the machines for a lower body work out, so I can manage that on my own. Now I just need to figure out where all the upper body machines are so I can start doing those work outs on my own on the days I don't see Mr. Trainer. (Okay, I know where the upper body machines are... it's more that they are all scattered about between back, check, biceps, triceps, etc. It's more sorting out which machine works which muscle group than anything else.)
March 5 - 17
Good progress this week! Especially in a week where there really shouldn't have been any progress at all. I ended up eating out three times, and it's always hard for me to control my food intake when eating out. Plus it was employee appreciation day at work and they catered a lunch for us. It was amazing. The most amazing thing was the desert. It was a glazed doughnut that they 'fried' and flambeed in a skillet, thus caramelizing the sugar in the glaze, and then topped it with a scoop of caramel ice cream. Oh, it was heavenly! I should be given a medal for managing to only eat one of those things. We also had some drama at the gym in that my favorite location of the franchise is being closed and Mr. Trainer and I are moving to a more crowded, least liked, location. I will not let that change derail me.
March 4 - 10
Only two tenths of a pound, but I'm happy with that. It was water weight gain week so that means I've managed to make it through another round of chocolate and sweet craving without any damage. I also had a bigger than normal dinner the night before weigh in morning, and that never bodes well. I plan to keep up with going to the gym 5 days a week and feel I have a good handle on the whole caloric intake thing. I need new exercise bottoms, I've about worn the current ones out!! I figure that's a good thing.
February 26 - March 3
Another week, another pound. I'm settling into a good pattern of going to the gym everyday after work and doing 30 minutes of strength training and 45 minutes or so of cardio work. The only downside to this is that a different set of muscles hurts everyday. I'm not too keen on that. I am keen on my shirts and jeans fitting a little looser as we go along. I've got to put all this hard work now since I'm going to spend two weeks in Greece and Italy come June. I'm sure to put on some weight while there... But as I was teasing Mr. Trainer, I'm looking forward to eating whatever I want, whenever I want. ... Especially the gelato in Florence. YUM!!
February 19 - 25
I killed it this week. I would have managed the gym five times except that the car needed an oil change, so I did that after work instead of the gym one day. My calorie goal was good too. And those days when I went over weren't over by much. I feel like something has gone 'click' in my head and I'm all determination and motivation. I even brought my printed work out sheets in and did strength training on the days I didn't meet with Mr. Trainer. As to only 1 pound lost with all that work? I think it's the beginning of water retention week. So this weigh in and next weeks weigh in will be a little skewed. I will not let that dissuade me.
February 12 - 18
Hurrah for another little drop! I went to the gym 5 times this week, and even dished out a little pain back to Mr. Trainer. (Very little pain, but still!) He barely survived 5 minutes on the elliptical machine at a resistance of 0. I'd been peddling for 30 minutes when he joined me for the last 5 and my resistance was up at 7. I continue to struggle with the number of calories I eat. Only 1 day was under 1500 calories. 2 days were over 2000 calories, and the rest were in the 1700 to 1800 range. I'll keep after it, but maybe I really should think about that Weight Watchers thing for learning to eat better. I'm also a sucker for peer/family pressure. "We're going out to eat!" Do I order the healthiest thing I can find? No. I order whatever I feel like, sort of healthy or not. More self-control is needed.
February 5 - 11
For all I say about knowing what your body is up to, I sure haven't a clue about mine. By all means this should have been another gain week since I didn't take care about what I was eating and only went to the gym twice. Makes no sense. However, I'm ready to get back on the wagon and have printed up some weight training circuits Mr. Trainer sent me so I can do some stuff on the days we don't meet. The only thing I fear this week is the box of See's candy that Grandma L traditionally sends us for Valentines. I'm a little glad that I won't be smothered in chocolate this week as a boy-friend is completely and totally non-existent.
January 29 - February 4
Once again, another what the heck week. ... Well, it started out that way. Sunday was at 197.4, Monday morning 198.2, Tuesday morning 199.3, and Wednesday morning 200.1. At which point I pretty much though "Forget this!!" and completely gave up on trying to eat right, or even going to the gym. I know better than to be easily pushed off track, and yet, I let myself get to me. And so, I end this week up two pounds over last week. We ate out twice this week, and I ate more than I should both times. There were yummy baked goods at the house all week, and I ate more than I should have of them. It was cake day at work, and you guessed it, I ate more slices than I should have. And one of my coworkers brought in dough nuts for the team on Friday. Guess what happened... you got it. I ate more than I should have. I'll admit that I'm not proud of myself this week. But I am ready to start new on Monday. I'm also very lucky that my family doesn't do anything big for the Super Bowl. There won't be massive amounts of snacks and dips and what not for the game. And I am glad of that.
January 22 - 28
What the heck! So, I was really good this week. I went to the gym for at least an hour 5 days this week and met the calorie goal 4 times. One day of the calorie goal was just a wee bit over, and the other non calorie day was waaaay over, but I had planned for that. Wednesday (check point 1) I was down to 196.8, and Friday (check point 2) I was down to 196.2. I'm thinking it's going to be another good loss day. Sunday morning, on the scale and 197.4. What the heck!!! I am not a happy camper about it this week. And I am trying hard to stay out of the kitchen where there are some peanut butter rice crispy treats with chocolate icing on top. I am not going to eat away my sorrows!
January 15 - 21
Good results this week, but I attribute that to one of those things my body does monthly. For one week it'll hold onto every drop of water I drink, and then shed it the next. That is what has happened this week. I made it to the gym three times and kept to the calorie goal twice. And I managed to meet last weeks goal of no freaking out and eating everything in sight. I have hope that I'll make 196 for weigh in with my trainer February 3rd.
January 8 - 14
Well... not much progress this week. I exercised four times this week, however two of those days were lazy work outs. I just walked on the treadmill at 2.7 mph for an hour. Barely burned enough calories doing that to make it worth it. This week was interesting in that by Wednesday I was down to 198.8, and then had a complete and utter break down. I ate nearly everything I could get my hands on. By Friday morning I was back up to 200.8. This morning, being back down to 200.0 is a bit of an achievement. Next weeks goal: No binge fests or self defeating behaviors! Easier to type than to do.
January 1 - 7
This week I made it back to the gym three times and while I didn’t meet any of my calorie goals I didn’t have any 3000 calorie days like I was having during the holidays. All of my days were below 2000 calories, with most days being in the 1700 to 1800 range. The calorie goal is 1500 a days. My trainer has challenged me to lose 6 lbs by out next weight day (February 3rd). One more day at the gym and week and more days on the calorie goal and I should make that weight loss goal.
This is an awesome idea! Way to stay organized.
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