Friday, November 25, 2011

Oh yeah, I picked some stuff up from the framer!

Tuesday I went up to my framers house to pick up some pieces.  Here they are:

Crabby All Year by Raise the Roof Designs.

Bless Our Home by Country Cottage Needleworks:

Christmas Eve by Prairie Schooler:

I haven't quite decided where to hang them up yet.  For now, Crabby All Year is wrapped up for Mom's Christmas Present.  I am considering places on the walls of my bedroom as to where to hang the other two.  Christmas Eve will have to go on my Christmas wall, it's just a matter of where. Bless Our Home might end up over here next to the computer/stitching desk.

Other than picking up my framing, Tuesday was a little exciting as I managed to avoid a serious collision on the freeway.  As I was headed north bound towards my framers, I exited from the main line to the belt route.  On this small section of collector ramps is an area where an on ramp joins from the left and two lanes become three.  I was in the left most of lane (of the two lane section before the third lane joins to the left) and noticed a large SUV on the ramp to the left.  I didn't think much of it as people come on on that ramp all the time.

Well, I should have paid more attention because as the on ramp lane became part of the flow, the driver of the SUV kept on merging to the right.  ... Right into the space I was!!!  I stomped on the gas to try and get away, there was a car next to me on the right, so I really couldn't merge out of the way.  SUV and I did make contact, but it was minimal since I was accelerating and crowding the lane to my right.  No real damage done to me or my car.  Just some streaks of paint back on my left-side quarter panel.  So... remember people... ALWAYS CHECK YOUR BLIND SPOT!!!

Hugs and Stitches


1. CalamityJr said...

So glad you're ok. Car accidents are so scarey!

2. Lesleyanne said...

Glad you are okay. Your framed pieces look gorgeous.

3. cucki said...

glad you are fine..sending you hugs.
your framed pictures are so lovely.
love and hugs xx

4. *-* said...

Love all your framed pieces, especially the PS Christmas Eve. I love how it looks on the fabric you chose, just wonderful.

5. Cathy said...

I'm glad you're ok. That kind of stuff is so scary.
Love your framed finishes! I especially like the PS done on the blue fabric. Great idea!