Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stash 'n Nonsense

Sometime last week... or the week before that... I got a note from 123 Stitch that the JCS Halloween Collection book was in stock.  So last Thursday evening I placed an order, along with a few other items that I had on my wish list... I think ordering stash is a bit like that old potato chip commercial:  You can't eat (order) just one!  Anyway, Joanne and team were speedy as ever and my order was ready for pick up on Friday.  I had 'stuff' so I wasn't able to get down to the warehouse before they close until this evening.

Along with the book, I picked up a pair of L*K charts that I've had on my list for a long long time, some charm packs/button packs for some L*K patterns that I already have, a pair of small and cute scissors, a cording making thingy, and Flower Power by Crossed Wing Collection.  I haven't given the book a serious read yet... I did try to look at it while on the elliptical machine at the gym, but that was unsatisfactory.

Now, I've seen the monthly posts on the 123 Stitch board about the Flower Power pattern, and I'm afraid that they are terrible enablers.  I decided this would be a fun project to do.  I've done patterns by Crossed Wing before, and while it was a challenge, it was so worth it.  I knew it was big... but it wasn't until I got the pattern home and opened it out to look at that I realized just how BIG!!! it really is.  Oh my.  I may have bit off more than I can chew.  I still want to do this, just have to decide what size of fabric to do this on.  Since there is a fair amount of fractional stitching and some over one work I was thinking about doing it on 28 ct.  But that makes my cut piece of fabric 48 inches by 33 inches.  That's right, 4 foot by nearly 3 foot.  That's BIG!!!!  I'm gonna have to talk to the girls on the board about this.

I also ordered something else BIG for my stash.  It'll be here in about 3 weeks.  Merry Christmas/Happy Birthday/Happy New Year/Happy Single Awareness Day (Valentines)/Tuesday to me!  I feel like the monkey Steve in Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs... Wandering around all day thinking "Excited! Excited!"

Hugs and Stitches