Saturday, April 21, 2012

April's TUSAL 2012

My goodness, where has the first of the year gone. I swear it was just New Years the other day...

And with out further ado, here are Pinky and Dude with the jar:

It really doesn't look like much was added, which is the sad truth.  There are some more greens from Flower Power, and some random colors from Christmas ABC's, but not enough to make a big dent.  And here it is 8:30 pm on Saturday night of an IHSW and I have yet to sit down in front of Flower Power.  I'm tempted to stay up as late as I can working on it... But as we all know late night stitching is typically followed by early morning frogging.

Hugs and Stitches,


AnaCristina said...

congratulations for your blog!

i posted my tusal here:


good weekend