Friday, June 15, 2012

International Hermit and Stitch Weekend

Depending on the day and time you see this, I'm on a plane bound for Italy. Not much hermiting being done on a plane, but in this case lots of internationalling. And I'm stitching. Something of one of these two projects below.

I need to get the traveling pattern done asap so it can go on it's merry way, but I had hoped to get Long Spider done on this trip as well. We'll just have to wait and see, won't we.

Hugs and Stitches,


1. Anonymous said...

hugs Kay!
sun came out here, so that you can enjoy your vacanze in Italia! :D
travel safe, and stitch a lot :D

2. Anonymous said...

Hope you have a good flight and a lovely holiday.
I love the photo of the stitching you are taking.