Sunday, December 18, 2011

No-go, 'cause of lack of Mojo

I didn't put a single stitch in anything this week.  The mojo has gone on holiday break, I'm afraid.  I'm not too worried about it at this point, it' seems to be a seasonal thing, and should be back in a couple of weeks.

Instead of stitching, I spent my time reading and catching up on all of your blogs.  I really love seeing what everyone else is stitching... and the side effect of adding previously unknown patterns to the stash isn't all that bad either.  I just need to get better at remembering to comment.

I spent an evening hunting around for some new Christmas backgrounds and what-not for the blog.  I added some, I removed some, I read tutorials on how to customize buttons... and in the end... I didn't change backgrounds.  I just didn't find anything out there that really called my name.  I did learn how to do the linky thing with an image and have added the buttons for the TUSAL and IHSW to the sidebar, along with a text link to the Wipocolypse.  I was very proud of myself for that little accomplishment.  I am thinking about adding tabs... or pages... or whatever they are called, to the top for things like my WIPocolypse list.  I also want to do one for my 2011 finishes like so many of you have done.  It's a great idea and I don't feel bad at all for copying it.

I spent some time on Saturday and Sunday dog-sitting for brother #1.  His terrier/lab mix got in a bit of a fight with another dog right before he and his wife were to go off for a quick weekend get away.  I said I'd come and take care of Sadie so they could go ahead and go on their get away.  Sadie and I hung out on the couch, watched tv, and read blogs.  Well, I read, Sadie just wanted scratches behind her ears.  Sadie is on the mend and pretty much back to her playful self.

My family has an odd quirk that we do at Christmas (other than going to the local 24 hr burrito place for giant burritos on Christmas Eve.).  Now, everyone out there shops for the occasional gift for themself, and we do that too.  Only we bring it home and wrap it up and put it under the tree.  We even label it to ourselves, and then pick some other random family member to say who it's from.  Brother #2's wife had a hard time with this the first few years she was with us because it wasn't a surprise to us.  We chuckled and said "It's a surprise to someone!"  I'm always surprised at the shirts, pants, socks, or belts that I 'get' for Dad every year.   Anyway... In a fit of crazy the otherday, I wrapped up all the stash that I bought at the first of December when LMS and I went on our mini shop hop.  My brothers are going to be amazed that they got me the gingerbread buildings.  And the sisters-in-law will be surprised for all the hardanger books they found too.

My sister flies in tonight from medical school.  I am excited to see her.  I just finished re-arranging my stitching lair back into a spare room.  I hope she'll be comfortable.

Mom made caramels.  The holiday browse has gone into full swing and I haven't been to the gym all month!

Hugs and Stitches,


1. cucki said...

sending you big (hugs)
cucki xx

2. Anonymous said...

sounds like your all ready for Christmas have a Merry one and may the New Year bring lots of Stitches